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Press picture 59751
A carpet of Fritz Kühn forms the entrance to the Berlin Public Library. It got its name because the area is formed in nine rows one above the other, of 117 variations of the letter A. Took place the creation of the work in the workshop-studio of the artist from design to execution. The A-variations have been forged out of the panels with special tools, beschmolzen in the forge with brass and copper, blued or partially gilded and glazed at the end

BERLIN - MITTE 24.06.1974

GDR image archive: Berlin - Mitte - A carpet of Fritz Kühn forms the entrance to the Berlin Public Library. It got its name because the area is formed in nine rows one above the other, of 117 variations of the letter A. Took place the creation of the work in the workshop-studio of the artist from design to execution. The A-variations have been forged out of the panels with special tools, beschmolzen in the forge with brass and copper, blued or partially gilded and glazed at the end
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A carpet of Fritz Kühn forms the entrance to the Berlin Public Library. It got its name because the area is formed in nine rows one above the other, of 117 variations of the letter A. Took place the creation of the work in the workshop-studio of the artist from design to execution. The A-variations have been forged out of the panels with special tools, beschmolzen in the forge with brass and copper, blued or partially gilded and glazed at the end. Photo: Manfred Uhlenhut

Deutsche Webseite

Press photo ID: 59751
Image resolution: 6632 x 5760 pixels x 8 bit
compressed image file size: 4,03 MB
Image file size: 36,43 MB
Sources and credit: © eastgermanyimages.com/Manfred Uhlenhut

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