Press picture 74153
Agricultural work in a farm and farm als Kulisse zum Film "Portraet eines Mittelpunktes" on street Hauptstrasse in Raeckelwitz, Saxony on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
RäCKELWITZ 26.10.1974
Agricultural work in a farm and farm als Kulisse zum Film "Portraet eines Mittelpunktes" on street Hauptstrasse in Raeckelwitz, Saxony on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic. Photo: Sebastian Langkorn
Press photo ID: 74153
Image resolution: 7087 x 6999 pixels x 24 bit
compressed image file size: 64,61 MB
Image file size: 141,91 MB
Sources and credit: © Langkorn
Position: 51° 15' 24.07'' N / 14° 13' 26.56'' E