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BERLIN 01.01.2023 VG picture free work: Oil on canvas "Fleeting encounter of heart and mind" 70 x 9

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Photo ID: 71560

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Photo: Hubertus Gollnow
VG picture free work: Oil on canvas 'Fleeting encounter of heart and mind' 70 x 9
BERLIN 01.01.2023 Oil on canvas " Chamomile and poppies or invitation from the night fairy " by the artist Hubertus Gollnow in Berlin Eastberlin

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Photo ID: 71564

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Photo: Hubertus Gollnow
Oil on canvas ' Chamomile and poppies or invitation from the night fairy ' by the artist Hubertus Gollnow in Berlin Eastberlin
BERLIN 01.01.2023 Oil on canvas " Play me my Song and I dances " 60x9

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Photo ID: 71567

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Photo: Hubertus Gollnow
Oil on canvas ' Play me my Song and I dances ' 60x9
BERLIN 12.05.1999 Gruppenbild vom Orchester der Deutschen Oper im Empfangsgebäude des Hamburger Bahnhof, heute das Musum der Gegenwart der Nationalgalerie. Group picture from the orchestra of the German Opera in the arrival hall of the Hamburger train station, today Presence Museum related by the Natinal Gallrty.

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Photo ID: 52577

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Photo: Lothar Willmann
Gruppenbild vom Orchester der Deutschen Oper im Empfangsgebäude des Hamburger Bahnhof, heute das Musum der Gegenwart der Nationalgalerie. Group picture from the orchestra of the German Opera in the arrival hall of the Hamburger train station, today Presence Museum related by the Natinal Gallrty.
BERLIN 18.10.1994 Election walk: Stefan Heym at the Market Hall in Berlin-Mitte accompanied i.a. Petra Pau, PDS regional chairwoman in Berlin. Heym candidate in the Bundestasgwahl 1994 as a non-party to the open list of the Party of Democratic Socialism PDS and won a direct mandate in the constituency Mitte-Prenzlauer Berg

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Photo ID: 58229

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Election walk: Stefan Heym at the Market Hall in Berlin-Mitte accompanied i.a. Petra Pau, PDS regional chairwoman in Berlin. Heym candidate in the Bundestasgwahl 1994 as a non-party to the open list of the Party of Democratic Socialism PDS and won a direct mandate in the constituency Mitte-Prenzlauer Berg
BERLIN 08.03.1994 Women demonstrate on Women's Day in front of the Red City Hall in Berlin. Demonstrators demonstrate and hold placards

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Photo ID: 20457

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Women demonstrate on Women's Day in front of the Red City Hall in Berlin. Demonstrators demonstrate and hold placards
BERLIN 08.03.1994 Women demonstrate on Women's Day in front of the Red City Hall in Berlin. Demonstrators demonstrate and hold placards

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Photo ID: 20458

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Women demonstrate on Women's Day in front of the Red City Hall in Berlin. Demonstrators demonstrate and hold placards
BERLIN 08.03.1994 Women demonstrate on Women's Day in front of the Red City Hall in Berlin. Demonstrators demonstrate and hold placards

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Photo ID: 20459

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Women demonstrate on Women's Day in front of the Red City Hall in Berlin. Demonstrators demonstrate and hold placards
BERLIN 08.03.1994 Women demonstrate on Women's Day in front of the Red City Hall in Berlin. Demonstrators demonstrate and hold placards

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Photo ID: 20460

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Women demonstrate on Women's Day in front of the Red City Hall in Berlin. Demonstrators demonstrate and hold placards
BERLIN - MITTE 08.10.1993 A group of teenagers refreshed on Neptune Fountain in Berlin - Mitte. In the background of the Berlin cathedral is seen. From a basic dish on a three-tier base, the powerful figure of the ancient Roman sea god Neptune rises

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Photo ID: 59173

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Photo: Manfred Uhlenhut
A group of teenagers refreshed on Neptune Fountain in Berlin - Mitte. In the background of the Berlin cathedral is seen. From a basic dish on a three-tier base, the powerful figure of the ancient Roman sea god Neptune rises
BERLIN 01.02.1993 Chain of lights against xenophobia in the district Mitte in Berlin

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Photo ID: 21519

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Chain of lights against xenophobia in the district Mitte in Berlin
BERLIN 01.02.1993 Chain of lights against xenophobia in the district Mitte in Berlin

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Photo ID: 21521

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Chain of lights against xenophobia in the district Mitte in Berlin
BERLIN 22.01.1993 Employees from the Zwickau Sachsenwerk in front of the Treuhand in Berlin

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Photo ID: 21470

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Employees from the Zwickau Sachsenwerk in front of the Treuhand in Berlin
BERLIN 22.01.1993 Employees from the Zwickau Sachsenwerk in front of the Treuhand in Berlin

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Photo ID: 21472

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Employees from the Zwickau Sachsenwerk in front of the Treuhand in Berlin
BERLIN 22.01.1993 Employees from the Zwickau Sachsenwerk in front of the Treuhand in Berlin

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Photo ID: 21473

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Employees from the Zwickau Sachsenwerk in front of the Treuhand in Berlin
BERLIN 01.11.1992 Robert Liebknecht in front of the stele in memory of his father, Karl Liebknecht am Neuen See in Berlin's Tiergarten. Karl Liebknecht was at times a deputy in the Reichstag and a socialist. Rosa Luxembourg and Liebknecht led the "Group International". On 15 January 1919 Karl Liebknecht transported to an interrogation and severe ill-treatment. After, he was taken away by the division and shot when exiting the car from behind. He was on 25 January 1919 at the central Cemetery Friedrichsfelde buried

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Photo ID: 58138

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Photo: ddrbildarchiv.de / Lothar Willmann
Robert Liebknecht in front of the stele in memory of his father, Karl Liebknecht am Neuen See in Berlin's Tiergarten. Karl Liebknecht was at times a deputy in the Reichstag and a socialist. Rosa Luxembourg and Liebknecht led the 'Group International'. On 15 January 1919 Karl Liebknecht transported to an interrogation and severe ill-treatment. After, he was taken away by the division and shot when exiting the car from behind. He was on 25 January 1919 at the central Cemetery Friedrichsfelde buried
BERLIN 14.09.1992 Demonstration against Roma deportation in Berlin. Demonstrators demonstrate and hold placards

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Photo ID: 22700

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Demonstration against Roma deportation in Berlin. Demonstrators demonstrate and hold placards
BERLIN 14.09.1992 Demonstration against Roma deportation in Berlin. Demonstrators demonstrate and hold placards

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Photo ID: 22701

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Demonstration against Roma deportation in Berlin. Demonstrators demonstrate and hold placards
BERLIN 14.09.1992 Demonstration against Roma deportation in Berlin. Demonstrators demonstrate and hold placards

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Photo ID: 22702

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Demonstration against Roma deportation in Berlin. Demonstrators demonstrate and hold placards
BERLIN 14.09.1992 Demonstration against Roma deportation in Berlin. Demonstrators demonstrate and hold placards

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Photo ID: 22703

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Demonstration against Roma deportation in Berlin. Demonstrators demonstrate and hold placards
GOTHA 10.04.1992 The turret of a Russian tank of the type T-42 (also called TG-W) left behind during the troop withdrawal of the GSSD - Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany - in Gotha in the state of Thuringia on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 22760

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Photo: Robert Grahn
The turret of a Russian tank of the type T-42 (also called TG-W) left behind during the troop withdrawal of the GSSD - Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany - in Gotha in the state of Thuringia on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
GOTHA 07.04.1992 Empty and abandoned barracks in the building of the former military base the GSSD Group of the Soviet Armed Forces in Gotha in the state Thuringia on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 49341

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Empty and abandoned barracks in the building of the former military base the GSSD Group of the Soviet Armed Forces in Gotha in the state Thuringia on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
GOTHA 07.04.1992 Empty and abandoned barracks in the building of the former military base the GSSD Group of the Soviet Armed Forces in Gotha in the state Thuringia on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 49342

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Empty and abandoned barracks in the building of the former military base the GSSD Group of the Soviet Armed Forces in Gotha in the state Thuringia on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
GOTHA 07.04.1992 Empty and abandoned barracks in the building of the former military base the GSSD Group of the Soviet Armed Forces in Gotha in the state Thuringia on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 49344

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Empty and abandoned barracks in the building of the former military base the GSSD Group of the Soviet Armed Forces in Gotha in the state Thuringia on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 12.02.1991 Demonstration on the Academy Square today Gendarmenmarkt in front of the Academy of Sciences in Berlin-Mitte

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Photo ID: 29048

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Photo: Ulrich Winkler
Demonstration on the Academy Square today Gendarmenmarkt in front of the Academy of Sciences in Berlin-Mitte
BERLIN 12.02.1991 Demonstration on the Academy Square today Gendarmenmarkt in front of the Academy of Sciences in Berlin-Mitte

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Photo ID: 29046

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Photo: Ulrich Winkler
Demonstration on the Academy Square today Gendarmenmarkt in front of the Academy of Sciences in Berlin-Mitte
BERLIN 12.02.1991 Demonstration on the Academy Square today Gendarmenmarkt in front of the Academy of Sciences in Berlin-Mitte

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Photo ID: 29047

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Photo: Ulrich Winkler
Demonstration on the Academy Square today Gendarmenmarkt in front of the Academy of Sciences in Berlin-Mitte
BERLIN 12.02.1991 Demonstration on the Academy Square today Gendarmenmarkt in front of the Academy of Sciences in Berlin-Mitte

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Photo ID: 29049

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Photo: Ulrich Winkler
Demonstration on the Academy Square today Gendarmenmarkt in front of the Academy of Sciences in Berlin-Mitte
BERLIN 12.02.1991 Demonstration on the Academy Square today Gendarmenmarkt in front of the Academy of Sciences in Berlin-Mitte

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Photo ID: 71556

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Photo: Ulrich Winkler
Demonstration on the Academy Square today Gendarmenmarkt in front of the Academy of Sciences in Berlin-Mitte
BERLIN 12.02.1991 Demonstration on the Academy Square today Gendarmenmarkt in front of the Academy of Sciences in Berlin-Mitte

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Photo ID: 71557

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Photo: Ulrich Winkler
Demonstration on the Academy Square today Gendarmenmarkt in front of the Academy of Sciences in Berlin-Mitte
ZOSSEN 01.02.1991 Traditional room exhibition the GSSD Group of the Soviet Armed Forces in Wuensdorf in the state Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 66867

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Photo: Siegfried Gebser
Traditional room exhibition the GSSD Group of the Soviet Armed Forces in Wuensdorf in the state Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
ZOSSEN 01.02.1991 Traditional room exhibition the GSSD Group of the Soviet Armed Forces in Wuensdorf in the state Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 66868

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Photo: Siegfried Gebser
Traditional room exhibition the GSSD Group of the Soviet Armed Forces in Wuensdorf in the state Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
WüNSDORF 01.02.1991 Wall relief in traditional room exhibition the GSSD Group of the Soviet Armed Forces in Wuensdorf in the state Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 66869

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Photo: Siegfried Gebser
Wall relief in traditional room exhibition the GSSD Group of the Soviet Armed Forces in Wuensdorf in the state Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
WüNSDORF 01.02.1991 Lenin's memorial at headquarters the GSSD Group of the Soviet Armed Forces in Wuensdorf in the state Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 66870

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Photo: Siegfried Gebser
Lenin's memorial at headquarters the GSSD Group of the Soviet Armed Forces in Wuensdorf in the state Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
WüNSDORF 01.02.1991 Wall relief and bust series in traditional room exhibition the GSSD Group of the Soviet Armed Forces in Wuensdorf in the state Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 66871

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Photo: Siegfried Gebser
Wall relief and bust series in traditional room exhibition the GSSD Group of the Soviet Armed Forces in Wuensdorf in the state Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
WüNSDORF 01.02.1991 Wall relief and bust series in traditional room exhibition the GSSD Group of the Soviet Armed Forces in Wuensdorf in the state Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 66872

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Photo: Siegfried Gebser
Wall relief and bust series in traditional room exhibition the GSSD Group of the Soviet Armed Forces in Wuensdorf in the state Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 12.09.1990 Group of students doing their homework in the school club in Berlin. The care center serves the child day care, after school, from elementary school students and is mostly visited through fourth grade

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Photo ID: 60272

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Photo: Lothar Willmann
Group of students doing their homework in the school club in Berlin. The care center serves the child day care, after school, from elementary school students and is mostly visited through fourth grade
BERLIN 12.09.1990 Group of students doing their homework in the school club in Berlin. The care center serves the child day care, after school, from elementary school students and is mostly visited through fourth grade

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Photo ID: 60273

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Photo: Lothar Willmann
Group of students doing their homework in the school club in Berlin. The care center serves the child day care, after school, from elementary school students and is mostly visited through fourth grade
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69885

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Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69886

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Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69887

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Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69888

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Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69889

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Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69890

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Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69891

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Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69892

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Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69893

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Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69894

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Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69895

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Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69896

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Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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