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BERLIN 01.01.2023 Oil on canvas " Die Retterin " by the artist Hubertus Gollnow in Berlin Eastberlin

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Photo ID: 71558

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Photo: Hubertus Gollnow
Oil on canvas ' Die Retterin ' by the artist Hubertus Gollnow in Berlin Eastberlin
BERLIN 01.01.2023 Oil on canvas " Chamomile and poppies or invitation from the night fairy " by the artist Hubertus Gollnow in Berlin Eastberlin

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Photo ID: 71564

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Photo: Hubertus Gollnow
Oil on canvas ' Chamomile and poppies or invitation from the night fairy ' by the artist Hubertus Gollnow in Berlin Eastberlin
BERLIN 01.01.2023 Oil on canvas " Play me my Song and I dances " 60x9

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Photo ID: 71567

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Photo: Hubertus Gollnow
Oil on canvas ' Play me my Song and I dances ' 60x9
BERLIN 01.12.2001 Anti-fascist protests / actions against the NPD march on Oranienburgerstrasse near the New Synagogue during the Second Wehrmacht Exhibition in the Mitte district of Berlin. Demonstrators and police clash

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Photo ID: 67643

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Anti-fascist protests / actions against the NPD march on Oranienburgerstrasse near the New Synagogue during the Second Wehrmacht Exhibition in the Mitte district of Berlin. Demonstrators and police clash
BERLIN 01.12.2001 Anti-fascist protests / actions against the NPD march on Oranienburgerstrasse near the New Synagogue during the Second Wehrmacht Exhibition in the Mitte district of Berlin. Demonstrators and police clash

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Photo ID: 67644

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Anti-fascist protests / actions against the NPD march on Oranienburgerstrasse near the New Synagogue during the Second Wehrmacht Exhibition in the Mitte district of Berlin. Demonstrators and police clash
BERLIN 01.12.2001 Anti-fascist protests / actions against the NPD march on Oranienburgerstrasse near the New Synagogue during the Second Wehrmacht Exhibition in the Mitte district of Berlin. Demonstrators and police clash

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Photo ID: 67645

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Anti-fascist protests / actions against the NPD march on Oranienburgerstrasse near the New Synagogue during the Second Wehrmacht Exhibition in the Mitte district of Berlin. Demonstrators and police clash
BERLIN 01.12.2001 Protests / actions against the NPD march on Oranienburgerstrasse in front of the New Synagogue during the Second Wehrmacht Exhibition in the Mitte district of Berlin. Blockade by members of the Jewish community, demonstrators showing solidarity and a Protestant pastor with police and water cannon in the background

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Photo ID: 67646

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Protests / actions against the NPD march on Oranienburgerstrasse in front of the New Synagogue during the Second Wehrmacht Exhibition in the Mitte district of Berlin. Blockade by members of the Jewish community, demonstrators showing solidarity and a Protestant pastor with police and water cannon in the background
BERLIN 18.10.1994 Election walk: Stefan Heym at the Market Hall in Berlin-Mitte accompanied i.a. Petra Pau, PDS regional chairwoman in Berlin. Heym candidate in the Bundestasgwahl 1994 as a non-party to the open list of the Party of Democratic Socialism PDS and won a direct mandate in the constituency Mitte-Prenzlauer Berg

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Photo ID: 58229

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Election walk: Stefan Heym at the Market Hall in Berlin-Mitte accompanied i.a. Petra Pau, PDS regional chairwoman in Berlin. Heym candidate in the Bundestasgwahl 1994 as a non-party to the open list of the Party of Democratic Socialism PDS and won a direct mandate in the constituency Mitte-Prenzlauer Berg
BERLIN 15.12.1992 Demonstration and street protest action before the trust headquarters at Wilhelmstrasse in Berlin, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 26036

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Demonstration and street protest action before the trust headquarters at Wilhelmstrasse in Berlin, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 15.12.1992 Demonstration and street protest action before the trust headquarters at Wilhelmstrasse in Berlin, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 26037

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Demonstration and street protest action before the trust headquarters at Wilhelmstrasse in Berlin, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 15.12.1992 Demonstration and street protest action before the trust headquarters at Wilhelmstrasse in Berlin, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 26038

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Demonstration and street protest action before the trust headquarters at Wilhelmstrasse in Berlin, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 15.12.1992 Demonstration and street protest action before the trust headquarters at Wilhelmstrasse in Berlin, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 26039

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Demonstration and street protest action before the trust headquarters at Wilhelmstrasse in Berlin, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 15.12.1992 Demonstration and street protest action before the trust headquarters at Wilhelmstrasse in Berlin, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 26040

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Demonstration and street protest action before the trust headquarters at Wilhelmstrasse in Berlin, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 30.06.1992 Demonstration and street protest action hunderter Menschen vor der Zentrale der Treuhandanstalt an der Wilhelmstrasse in Berlin, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 20484

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Demonstration and street protest action hunderter Menschen vor der Zentrale der Treuhandanstalt an der Wilhelmstrasse in Berlin, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 30.06.1992 Demonstration and street protest action hunderter Menschen vor der Zentrale der Treuhandanstalt an der Wilhelmstrasse in Berlin, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 20485

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Demonstration and street protest action hunderter Menschen vor der Zentrale der Treuhandanstalt an der Wilhelmstrasse in Berlin, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 30.06.1992 Demonstration and street protest action hunderter Menschen vor der Zentrale der Treuhandanstalt an der Wilhelmstrasse in Berlin, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 20486

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Demonstration and street protest action hunderter Menschen vor der Zentrale der Treuhandanstalt an der Wilhelmstrasse in Berlin, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 30.06.1992 Demonstration and street protest action hunderter Menschen vor der Zentrale der Treuhandanstalt an der Wilhelmstrasse in Berlin, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 20487

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Demonstration and street protest action hunderter Menschen vor der Zentrale der Treuhandanstalt an der Wilhelmstrasse in Berlin, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 30.06.1992 Demonstration and street protest action hunderter Menschen vor der Zentrale der Treuhandanstalt an der Wilhelmstrasse in Berlin, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 20488

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Demonstration and street protest action hunderter Menschen vor der Zentrale der Treuhandanstalt an der Wilhelmstrasse in Berlin, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 30.06.1992 Demonstration and street protest action hunderter Menschen vor der Zentrale der Treuhandanstalt an der Wilhelmstrasse in Berlin, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 20489

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Demonstration and street protest action hunderter Menschen vor der Zentrale der Treuhandanstalt an der Wilhelmstrasse in Berlin, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic
MAGDEBURG 24.05.1992 Demonstration and street protest action against the murder of Torsten Lamprecht by extremists in the district of Altstadt on street Schleinufer in Magdeburg in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of ​​the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 22725

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Demonstration and street protest action against the murder of Torsten Lamprecht by extremists in the district of Altstadt on street Schleinufer in Magdeburg in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of ​​the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
MAGDEBURG 24.05.1992 Demonstration and street protest action against the murder of Torsten Lamprecht by extremists in the district of Altstadt on street Schleinufer in Magdeburg in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of ​​the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 22726

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Demonstration and street protest action against the murder of Torsten Lamprecht by extremists in the district of Altstadt on street Schleinufer in Magdeburg in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of ​​the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 16.01.1991 Stefan Heym as a speaker in front of numerous demonstrators at a demonstration and street protest action for social justice at Hedwigskirchgasse - Bebelplatz in Berlin East Berlin on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 28482

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Photo: Ulrich Winkler
Stefan Heym as a speaker in front of numerous demonstrators at a demonstration and street protest action for social justice at Hedwigskirchgasse - Bebelplatz in Berlin East Berlin on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 16.01.1991 Stefan Heym as a speaker in front of numerous demonstrators at a demonstration and street protest action for social justice at Hedwigskirchgasse - Bebelplatz in Berlin East Berlin on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 28483

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Photo: Ulrich Winkler
Stefan Heym as a speaker in front of numerous demonstrators at a demonstration and street protest action for social justice at Hedwigskirchgasse - Bebelplatz in Berlin East Berlin on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 27.10.1990 Homosexual Demo in Berlin

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Photo ID: 27865

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Homosexual Demo in Berlin
BERLIN 27.10.1990 Homosexual Demo in Berlin

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Photo ID: 27866

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Homosexual Demo in Berlin
BERLIN 27.10.1990 Homosexual Demo in Berlin

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Photo ID: 27867

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Homosexual Demo in Berlin
BERLIN 04.11.1989 Demonstration and street protest action gegen die Regierungspolitik der SED on place Alexanderplatz in Berlin Eastberlin on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 26217

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Demonstration and street protest action gegen die Regierungspolitik der SED on place Alexanderplatz in Berlin Eastberlin on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 04.11.1989 Demonstration and street protest action gegen die Regierungspolitik der SED on place Alexanderplatz in Berlin Eastberlin on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 26221

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Demonstration and street protest action gegen die Regierungspolitik der SED on place Alexanderplatz in Berlin Eastberlin on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 04.11.1989 Demonstration and street protest action gegen die Regierungspolitik der SED on place Alexanderplatz in Berlin Eastberlin on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 26222

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Demonstration and street protest action gegen die Regierungspolitik der SED on place Alexanderplatz in Berlin Eastberlin on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 04.11.1989 Demonstration and street protest action gegen die Regierungspolitik der SED on place Alexanderplatz in Berlin Eastberlin on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 26226

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Demonstration and street protest action gegen die Regierungspolitik der SED on place Alexanderplatz in Berlin Eastberlin on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 04.11.1989 Stefan Heym alias Helmut Flieg (1913 - 20

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Photo ID: 58800

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Photo: Manfred Uhlenhut
Stefan Heym alias Helmut Flieg (1913 - 20
BERLIN 04.11.1989 Stefan Heym alias Helmut Flieg (1913 - 20

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Photo ID: 58801

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Photo: Manfred Uhlenhut
Stefan Heym alias Helmut Flieg (1913 - 20
BERLIN 04.11.1989 Stefan Heym alias Helmut Flieg (1913 - 20

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Photo ID: 58818

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Photo: Manfred Uhlenhut
Stefan Heym alias Helmut Flieg (1913 - 20
BERLIN 04.11.1989 Stefan Heym alias Helmut Flieg (1913 - 20

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Photo ID: 58819

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Photo: Manfred Uhlenhut
Stefan Heym alias Helmut Flieg (1913 - 20
BERLIN 04.11.1989 Posters with political demands to be worn on the Berlin Palace of the Republic, with the headquarters of the People's Chamber over. Berlin on

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Photo ID: 58205

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Posters with political demands to be worn on the Berlin Palace of the Republic, with the headquarters of the People's Chamber over. Berlin on
JäNSCHWALDE 25.10.1989 Media-effective passage of the honorary formation of the flag command of troops from the fighter squadron "Wilhelm Pieck" of the air force at the pre-launch line of the stationed MiG-21 PFM weapon system as part of a disarmament action at the Drewitz airfield of the National People's Army NVA office in Jaenschwalde in the state of Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 21826

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Media-effective passage of the honorary formation of the flag command of troops from the fighter squadron 'Wilhelm Pieck' of the air force at the pre-launch line of the stationed MiG-21 PFM weapon system as part of a disarmament action at the Drewitz airfield of the National People's Army NVA office in Jaenschwalde in the state of Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
JäNSCHWALDE 25.10.1989 Media-effective passage of the honorary formation of the flag command of troops from the fighter squadron "Wilhelm Pieck" of the air force at the pre-launch line of the stationed MiG-21 PFM weapon system as part of a disarmament action at the Drewitz airfield of the National People's Army NVA office in Jaenschwalde in the state of Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 26778

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Media-effective passage of the honorary formation of the flag command of troops from the fighter squadron 'Wilhelm Pieck' of the air force at the pre-launch line of the stationed MiG-21 PFM weapon system as part of a disarmament action at the Drewitz airfield of the National People's Army NVA office in Jaenschwalde in the state of Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
JäNSCHWALDE 25.10.1989 Media-effective passage of the honorary formation of the flag command of troops from the fighter squadron "Wilhelm Pieck" of the air force at the pre-launch line of the stationed MiG-21 PFM weapon system as part of a disarmament action at the Drewitz airfield of the National People's Army NVA office in Jaenschwalde in the state of Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 26779

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Media-effective passage of the honorary formation of the flag command of troops from the fighter squadron 'Wilhelm Pieck' of the air force at the pre-launch line of the stationed MiG-21 PFM weapon system as part of a disarmament action at the Drewitz airfield of the National People's Army NVA office in Jaenschwalde in the state of Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
JäNSCHWALDE 25.10.1989 Destruction, dismantling of flight technology and equipment of the MiG-21 PFM weapon system as part of a disarmament action at the Drewitz airfield of the fighter pilot squadron "Wilhelm Pieck" of the air force of the National People's Army NVA office in Jaenschwalde in the state of Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 21824

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Destruction, dismantling of flight technology and equipment of the MiG-21 PFM weapon system as part of a disarmament action at the Drewitz airfield of the fighter pilot squadron 'Wilhelm Pieck' of the air force of the National People's Army NVA office in Jaenschwalde in the state of Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
JäNSCHWALDE 25.10.1989 Destruction, dismantling of flight technology and equipment of the MiG-21 PFM weapon system as part of a disarmament action at the Drewitz airfield of the fighter pilot squadron "Wilhelm Pieck" of the air force of the National People's Army NVA office in Jaenschwalde in the state of Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 21825

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Destruction, dismantling of flight technology and equipment of the MiG-21 PFM weapon system as part of a disarmament action at the Drewitz airfield of the fighter pilot squadron 'Wilhelm Pieck' of the air force of the National People's Army NVA office in Jaenschwalde in the state of Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
JäNSCHWALDE 25.10.1989 Destruction, dismantling of flight technology and equipment of the MiG-21 PFM weapon system as part of a disarmament action at the Drewitz airfield of the fighter pilot squadron "Wilhelm Pieck" of the air force of the National People's Army NVA office in Jaenschwalde in the state of Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 26780

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Destruction, dismantling of flight technology and equipment of the MiG-21 PFM weapon system as part of a disarmament action at the Drewitz airfield of the fighter pilot squadron 'Wilhelm Pieck' of the air force of the National People's Army NVA office in Jaenschwalde in the state of Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
JäNSCHWALDE 25.10.1989 Destruction, dismantling of flight technology and equipment of the MiG-21 PFM weapon system as part of a disarmament action at the Drewitz airfield of the fighter pilot squadron "Wilhelm Pieck" of the air force of the National People's Army NVA office in Jaenschwalde in the state of Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 26781

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Destruction, dismantling of flight technology and equipment of the MiG-21 PFM weapon system as part of a disarmament action at the Drewitz airfield of the fighter pilot squadron 'Wilhelm Pieck' of the air force of the National People's Army NVA office in Jaenschwalde in the state of Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
JäNSCHWALDE 25.10.1989 Destruction, dismantling of flight technology and equipment of the MiG-21 PFM weapon system as part of a disarmament action at the Drewitz airfield of the fighter pilot squadron "Wilhelm Pieck" of the air force of the National People's Army NVA office in Jaenschwalde in the state of Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 26782

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Destruction, dismantling of flight technology and equipment of the MiG-21 PFM weapon system as part of a disarmament action at the Drewitz airfield of the fighter pilot squadron 'Wilhelm Pieck' of the air force of the National People's Army NVA office in Jaenschwalde in the state of Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
JäNSCHWALDE 25.10.1989 Destruction, dismantling of flight technology and equipment of the MiG-21 PFM weapon system as part of a disarmament action at the Drewitz airfield of the fighter pilot squadron "Wilhelm Pieck" of the air force of the National People's Army NVA office in Jaenschwalde in the state of Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69639

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Destruction, dismantling of flight technology and equipment of the MiG-21 PFM weapon system as part of a disarmament action at the Drewitz airfield of the fighter pilot squadron 'Wilhelm Pieck' of the air force of the National People's Army NVA office in Jaenschwalde in the state of Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
JäNSCHWALDE 25.10.1989 Destruction, dismantling of flight technology and equipment of the MiG-21 PFM weapon system as part of a disarmament action at the Drewitz airfield of the fighter pilot squadron "Wilhelm Pieck" of the air force of the National People's Army NVA office in Jaenschwalde in the state of Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69640

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Destruction, dismantling of flight technology and equipment of the MiG-21 PFM weapon system as part of a disarmament action at the Drewitz airfield of the fighter pilot squadron 'Wilhelm Pieck' of the air force of the National People's Army NVA office in Jaenschwalde in the state of Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
JäNSCHWALDE 25.10.1989 Destruction, dismantling of flight technology and equipment of the MiG-21 PFM weapon system as part of a disarmament action at the Drewitz airfield of the fighter pilot squadron "Wilhelm Pieck" of the air force of the National People's Army NVA office in Jaenschwalde in the state of Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69641

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Destruction, dismantling of flight technology and equipment of the MiG-21 PFM weapon system as part of a disarmament action at the Drewitz airfield of the fighter pilot squadron 'Wilhelm Pieck' of the air force of the National People's Army NVA office in Jaenschwalde in the state of Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
JäNSCHWALDE 25.10.1989 Destruction, dismantling of flight technology and equipment of the MiG-21 PFM weapon system as part of a disarmament action at the Drewitz airfield of the fighter pilot squadron "Wilhelm Pieck" of the air force of the National People's Army NVA office in Jaenschwalde in the state of Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69642

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Destruction, dismantling of flight technology and equipment of the MiG-21 PFM weapon system as part of a disarmament action at the Drewitz airfield of the fighter pilot squadron 'Wilhelm Pieck' of the air force of the National People's Army NVA office in Jaenschwalde in the state of Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
JäNSCHWALDE 25.10.1989 Destruction, dismantling of flight technology and equipment of the MiG-21 PFM weapon system as part of a disarmament action at the Drewitz airfield of the fighter pilot squadron "Wilhelm Pieck" of the air force of the National People's Army NVA office in Jaenschwalde in the state of Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69643

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Destruction, dismantling of flight technology and equipment of the MiG-21 PFM weapon system as part of a disarmament action at the Drewitz airfield of the fighter pilot squadron 'Wilhelm Pieck' of the air force of the National People's Army NVA office in Jaenschwalde in the state of Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
JäNSCHWALDE 25.10.1989 Destruction, dismantling of flight technology and equipment of the MiG-21 PFM weapon system as part of a disarmament action at the Drewitz airfield of the fighter pilot squadron "Wilhelm Pieck" of the air force of the National People's Army NVA office in Jaenschwalde in the state of Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69644

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Destruction, dismantling of flight technology and equipment of the MiG-21 PFM weapon system as part of a disarmament action at the Drewitz airfield of the fighter pilot squadron 'Wilhelm Pieck' of the air force of the National People's Army NVA office in Jaenschwalde in the state of Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
JäNSCHWALDE 25.10.1989 Destruction, dismantling of flight technology and equipment of the MiG-21 PFM weapon system as part of a disarmament action at the Drewitz airfield of the fighter pilot squadron "Wilhelm Pieck" of the air force of the National People's Army NVA office in Jaenschwalde in the state of Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69645

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Destruction, dismantling of flight technology and equipment of the MiG-21 PFM weapon system as part of a disarmament action at the Drewitz airfield of the fighter pilot squadron 'Wilhelm Pieck' of the air force of the National People's Army NVA office in Jaenschwalde in the state of Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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