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MüNCHEN 11.09.1987 Das DDR-Staatsawappen an einer bundesdeutschen Regierungs-Limousine. Beim ersten Besuch des führenden DDR-Repräsentanten in der Bundesrepublik trifft SED-Generalsekretär und Staatsratsvorsitzender Erich Honecker (l) mit dem bayrischen Regierungschef Franz-Josef Strauß zusammen. Dem 75 Jahre alten Staatsratsvorsitzenden der DDR ist es trotz großer Widerstände aus der Sowjetunion gelungen, zum fünftägigen "Arbeitsbesuch" in den kapitalistischen Westen zu kommen. Allein damit hat der gebür????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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Photo ID: 51934

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Das DDR-Staatsawappen an einer bundesdeutschen Regierungs-Limousine. Beim ersten Besuch des führenden DDR-Repräsentanten in der Bundesrepublik trifft SED-Generalsekretär und Staatsratsvorsitzender Erich Honecker (l)  mit dem bayrischen Regierungschef Franz-Josef Strauß zusammen. Dem 75 Jahre alten Staatsratsvorsitzenden der DDR ist es trotz großer Widerstände aus der Sowjetunion gelungen, zum fünftägigen 'Arbeitsbesuch' in den kapitalistischen Westen zu kommen. Allein damit hat der gebür????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
NEUSTRELITZ 10.09.1979 A child sitting in the driver's seat in a Wartburg 311 on a field in Neustrelitz in the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 64991

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A child sitting in the driver's seat in a Wartburg 311 on a field in Neustrelitz in the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
MOSKVA - MOSKAU 06.10.1975 State ceremony and reception of Erich Honecker and the government delegation of the GDR with a military honor guard in front of the landed INTERFLUG special aircraft TU 134 A with the registration DM-SCS at the airport in Moskva - Moscow in Russia - formerly the Soviet Union

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Photo ID: 48310

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Photo: Dr. Gerhard Murza
State ceremony and reception of Erich Honecker and the government delegation of the GDR with a military honor guard in front of the landed INTERFLUG special aircraft TU 134 A with the registration DM-SCS at the airport in Moskva - Moscow in Russia - formerly the Soviet Union
MOSKVA - MOSKAU 06.10.1975 State ceremony and reception of Erich Honecker and the government delegation of the GDR with a military honor guard in front of the landed INTERFLUG special aircraft TU 134 A with the registration DM-SCS at the airport in Moskva - Moscow in Russia - formerly the Soviet Union

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Photo ID: 48311

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Photo: Dr. Gerhard Murza
State ceremony and reception of Erich Honecker and the government delegation of the GDR with a military honor guard in front of the landed INTERFLUG special aircraft TU 134 A with the registration DM-SCS at the airport in Moskva - Moscow in Russia - formerly the Soviet Union
MOSKVA - MOSKAU 06.10.1975 State ceremony and reception of Erich Honecker and the government delegation of the GDR in Moskva - Moscow in Russia - formerly the Soviet Union

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Photo ID: 48323

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Photo: Dr. Gerhard Murza
State ceremony and reception of Erich Honecker and the government delegation of the GDR in Moskva - Moscow in Russia - formerly the Soviet Union
MOSKVA - MOSKAU 06.10.1975 State ceremony and reception of Erich Honecker and the government delegation of the GDR in Moskva - Moscow in Russia - formerly the Soviet Union

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Photo ID: 48324

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Photo: Dr. Gerhard Murza
State ceremony and reception of Erich Honecker and the government delegation of the GDR in Moskva - Moscow in Russia - formerly the Soviet Union
MOSKVA - MOSKAU 06.10.1975 State ceremony and reception of Erich Honecker and the government delegation of the GDR in Moskva - Moscow in Russia - formerly the Soviet Union

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Photo ID: 48325

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Photo: Dr. Gerhard Murza
State ceremony and reception of Erich Honecker and the government delegation of the GDR in Moskva - Moscow in Russia - formerly the Soviet Union
MOSKVA - MOSKAU 06.10.1975 State ceremony and reception of Erich Honecker and the government delegation of the GDR in Moskva - Moscow in Russia - formerly the Soviet Union

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Photo ID: 48326

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Photo: Dr. Gerhard Murza
State ceremony and reception of Erich Honecker and the government delegation of the GDR in Moskva - Moscow in Russia - formerly the Soviet Union
MOSKVA - MOSKAU 06.10.1975 State ceremony and reception of Erich Honecker and the government delegation of the GDR in Moskva - Moscow in Russia - formerly the Soviet Union

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Photo ID: 48327

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Photo: Dr. Gerhard Murza
State ceremony and reception of Erich Honecker and the government delegation of the GDR in Moskva - Moscow in Russia - formerly the Soviet Union
MOSKVA - MOSKAU 06.10.1975 State ceremony and reception of Erich Honecker and the government delegation of the GDR in Moskva - Moscow in Russia - formerly the Soviet Union

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Photo ID: 48328

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Photo: Dr. Gerhard Murza
State ceremony and reception of Erich Honecker and the government delegation of the GDR in Moskva - Moscow in Russia - formerly the Soviet Union
MOSKVA - MOSKAU 06.10.1975 State ceremony and reception of Erich Honecker and the government delegation of the GDR in Moskva - Moscow in Russia - formerly the Soviet Union

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Photo ID: 48329

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Photo: Dr. Gerhard Murza
State ceremony and reception of Erich Honecker and the government delegation of the GDR in Moskva - Moscow in Russia - formerly the Soviet Union
MOSKVA - MOSKAU 06.10.1975 State ceremony and reception of Erich Honecker and the government delegation of the GDR in Moskva - Moscow in Russia - formerly the Soviet Union

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Photo ID: 48331

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Photo: Dr. Gerhard Murza
State ceremony and reception of Erich Honecker and the government delegation of the GDR in Moskva - Moscow in Russia - formerly the Soviet Union
CHEMNITZ 13.06.1969 A Bulgarian folklore dancers dancing in the street in Chemnitz in Saxony today. In the background is a sedan in the brand Pobeda

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Photo ID: 60326

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Photo: Manfred Uhlenhut
A Bulgarian folklore dancers dancing in the street in Chemnitz in Saxony today. In the background is a sedan in the brand Pobeda
BERLIN 14.09.1968 Two EMW 340 / BMW 34

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Photo ID: 65673

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Photo: Siegfried Bonitz
Two EMW 340 / BMW 34
MOSKAU 08.06.1964 Front view of a Chaika GAZ - 13 with Russian flag in Moscow. The Chaika was an official car, which was usually supplied to high officials of the Eastern Bloc

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Photo ID: 59390

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Photo: Manfred Uhlenhut
Front view of a Chaika GAZ - 13 with Russian flag in Moscow. The Chaika was an official car, which was usually supplied to high officials of the Eastern Bloc
MALGE 18.05.1964 The Wartburg 311 was a car of Eisenach car plant, which was produced from 1955 to 1965. Nage ink was a coachbuilder for caravans in the DDR.Mit his shapely, contemporary body, appropriately design and variety reached the Wartburg 311 so much international recognition like no other car in the GDR. He sold well in the non-socialist economic region and was therefore for the procurement of foreign currency in the GDR of great value

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Photo ID: 59402

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Photo: Manfred Uhlenhut
The Wartburg 311 was a car of Eisenach car plant, which was produced from 1955 to 1965. Nage ink was a coachbuilder for caravans in the DDR.Mit his shapely, contemporary body, appropriately design and variety reached the Wartburg 311 so much international recognition like no other car in the GDR. He sold well in the non-socialist economic region and was therefore for the procurement of foreign currency in the GDR of great value
EISENHüTTENSTADT 04.10.1963 Parkplatz vor der Betriebspoliklinik auf dem Werksgelände VEB Bandstahlkombinat "Hermann Matern". Hauptsächlich Autos / Fahrzeuge / Auto der Marke Wartburg 311 als Kombi bzw. Limousine parken davor.

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Photo ID: 19597

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Photo: Wolfgang Rasch
Parkplatz vor der Betriebspoliklinik auf dem Werksgelände VEB Bandstahlkombinat 'Hermann Matern'. Hauptsächlich Autos / Fahrzeuge / Auto  der Marke Wartburg 311 als Kombi bzw. Limousine parken davor.
WERNEUCHEN 15.09.1961 Passenger Cars - Motor Vehicles in Road Traffic " AWZ P 7

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Photo ID: 71129

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Photo: Sebastian Langkorn
Passenger Cars - Motor Vehicles in Road Traffic ' AWZ P 7
LEIPZIG 02.03.1957 Der Markt während der Frühjahrsmesse. Es herrscht reges Treiben auf dem Platz, viele Passanten sind unterwegs. Im Vordergrund ein PKW / Auto vom Hersteller IFA / Industrieverband Fahrzeugbau und eine Limousine. In der Mitte des Platzes Fahnen mit den Nationen, die an der Messe teilnehmen. Im Frühjahr und im Herbst eines jeden Jahres war die Leipziger Messe Treffpunkt der internationalen Handelswelt.

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Photo ID: 57502

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Photo: Klaus Morgenstern
Der Markt während der Frühjahrsmesse. Es herrscht reges Treiben auf dem Platz, viele Passanten sind unterwegs. Im Vordergrund ein PKW / Auto vom Hersteller IFA / Industrieverband Fahrzeugbau und eine Limousine. In der Mitte des Platzes Fahnen mit den Nationen, die an der Messe teilnehmen. Im Frühjahr und im Herbst eines jeden Jahres war die Leipziger Messe Treffpunkt der internationalen Handelswelt.
SANDERSDORF-BREHNA 11.09.1941 A man by an Opel P4 convertible saloon in outwash plain village-Brehna in the federal state Saxony-Anhalt in Germany

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Photo ID: 63825

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Photo: Siegfried Bonitz
A man by an Opel P4 convertible saloon in outwash plain village-Brehna in the federal state Saxony-Anhalt in Germany
SANDERSDORF-BREHNA 11.09.1941 Family admission before an Opel P4 convertible saloon in outwash plain village-Brehna in the federal state Saxony-Anhalt in Germany

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Photo ID: 63826

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Photo: Siegfried Bonitz
Family admission before an Opel P4 convertible saloon in outwash plain village-Brehna in the federal state Saxony-Anhalt in Germany

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