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BERLIN 03.02.1992 View over docks with silo "Viktoriaspeicher" between Spreeufer and Koepenicker Strasse in Berlin - Kreuzberg

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Photo ID: 66438

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Photo: Manfred Uhlenhut
View over docks with silo 'Viktoriaspeicher' between Spreeufer and Koepenicker Strasse in Berlin - Kreuzberg
BERLIN 03.02.1992 View over docks with silo "Viktoriaspeicher" between Spreeufer and Koepenicker Strasse in Berlin - Kreuzberg

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Photo ID: 66439

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Photo: Manfred Uhlenhut
View over docks with silo 'Viktoriaspeicher' between Spreeufer and Koepenicker Strasse in Berlin - Kreuzberg
BERLIN 05.01.1992 East Side Gallery and view of the Speicher (Muehlenspeicher) and buildings of the Osthafen in Berlin - Friedrichshain on the Muehlenstrasse in Berlin - Friedrichshain, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 66369

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Photo: Manfred Uhlenhut
East Side Gallery and view of the Speicher (Muehlenspeicher) and buildings of the Osthafen in Berlin - Friedrichshain on the Muehlenstrasse in Berlin - Friedrichshain, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic
GüSTROW 21.09.1989 Saugschlauchfilter an Lagerungs-Silo in der VEB / Volkseigener Betrieb Zuckerrübenfabrik Güstrow, heute im Besitz der Nordzucker AG. Die Fabrik gehörte zu den modernsten und leistungsfähigsten Betrieb in der DDR. Die Inbetriebnahme erfolgte im Oktober 1962.

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Photo ID: 51566

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Photo: Siegfried Gebser
Saugschlauchfilter an Lagerungs-Silo in der VEB / Volkseigener Betrieb Zuckerrübenfabrik Güstrow, heute im Besitz der Nordzucker AG. Die Fabrik gehörte zu den modernsten und leistungsfähigsten Betrieb in der DDR. Die Inbetriebnahme erfolgte im Oktober 1962.
HOHEN NEUENDORF 18.09.1986 Produktion in der Mosterei der Bäuerlichen Handelsgesellschaft / BHG in Hohen Neuendorf (Brandenburg). Arbeiter beschriftet Tank / Silo.

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Photo ID: 34577

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Produktion in der Mosterei der Bäuerlichen Handelsgesellschaft / BHG in Hohen Neuendorf (Brandenburg). Arbeiter beschriftet Tank / Silo.
FERDINANDSHOF 17.07.1982 With the VEB (state-owned enterprise) Industrial cattle fattening (IRIMA) was the end of the period of industrialization of agriculture in the GDR, in Ferdinandshof the largest cattle fattening system in Europe, which as GbmH in Mecklenburg Western Pomerania has still existed until today

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Photo ID: 59212

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Photo: Manfred Uhlenhut
With the VEB (state-owned enterprise) Industrial cattle fattening (IRIMA) was the end of the period of industrialization of agriculture in the GDR, in Ferdinandshof the largest cattle fattening system in Europe, which as GbmH in Mecklenburg Western Pomerania has still existed until today
FERDINANDSHOF 17.07.1982 With the VEB (state-owned enterprise) Industrial cattle fattening (IRIMA) was the end of the period of industrialization of agriculture in the GDR, in Ferdinandshof the largest cattle fattening system in Europe, which as GbmH in Mecklenburg Western Pomerania has still existed until today

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Photo ID: 59214

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Photo: Manfred Uhlenhut
With the VEB (state-owned enterprise) Industrial cattle fattening (IRIMA) was the end of the period of industrialization of agriculture in the GDR, in Ferdinandshof the largest cattle fattening system in Europe, which as GbmH in Mecklenburg Western Pomerania has still existed until today
FERDINANDSHOF 17.07.1982 With the VEB (state-owned enterprise) Industrial cattle fattening (IRIMA) was the end of the period of industrialization of agriculture in the GDR, in Ferdinandshof the largest cattle fattening system in Europe, which as GbmH in Mecklenburg Western Pomerania has still existed until today

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Photo ID: 59217

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Photo: Manfred Uhlenhut
With the VEB (state-owned enterprise) Industrial cattle fattening (IRIMA) was the end of the period of industrialization of agriculture in the GDR, in Ferdinandshof the largest cattle fattening system in Europe, which as GbmH in Mecklenburg Western Pomerania has still existed until today
FERDINANDSHOF 17.07.1982 With the VEB (state-owned enterprise) Industrial cattle fattening (IRIMA) was the end of the period of industrialization of agriculture in the GDR, in Ferdinandshof the largest cattle fattening system in Europe, which as GbmH in Mecklenburg Western Pomerania has still existed until today

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Photo ID: 59216

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Photo: Manfred Uhlenhut
With the VEB (state-owned enterprise) Industrial cattle fattening (IRIMA) was the end of the period of industrialization of agriculture in the GDR, in Ferdinandshof the largest cattle fattening system in Europe, which as GbmH in Mecklenburg Western Pomerania has still existed until today
TRINWILLERSHAGEN 10.07.1967 Grain elevators of the German Agricultural Production Cooperative LPG " Rotes Banner " in Trinwillershagen in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

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Photo ID: 58440

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Photo: Siegfried Gebser
Grain elevators of the German Agricultural Production Cooperative LPG ' Rotes Banner ' in Trinwillershagen in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
BERLIN - MITTE 05.06.1966 Work on the foundation began in 1965. Then a 2

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Photo ID: 59849

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Photo: Manfred Uhlenhut
Work on the foundation began in 1965. Then a 2
MAGDEBURG 30.07.1965 The Industrial and Commercial Park Middle Elbe is located in the north of the state capital Magdeburg in Magdeburg industrial area - Rothensee directly at the exit of the A2 motorway

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Photo ID: 59786

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Photo: Manfred Uhlenhut
The Industrial and Commercial Park Middle Elbe is located in the north of the state capital Magdeburg in Magdeburg industrial area - Rothensee directly at the exit of the A2 motorway
MAGDEBURG 30.07.1965 The Industrial and Commercial Park Middle Elbe is located in the north of the state capital Magdeburg in Magdeburg industrial area - Rothensee directly at the exit of the A2 motorway

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Photo ID: 59788

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Photo: Manfred Uhlenhut
The Industrial and Commercial Park Middle Elbe is located in the north of the state capital Magdeburg in Magdeburg industrial area - Rothensee directly at the exit of the A2 motorway
MAGDEBURG 30.07.1965 The Industrial and Commercial Park Middle Elbe is located in the north of the state capital Magdeburg in Magdeburg industrial area - Rothensee directly at the exit of the A2 motorway

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Photo ID: 59789

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Photo: Manfred Uhlenhut
The Industrial and Commercial Park Middle Elbe is located in the north of the state capital Magdeburg in Magdeburg industrial area - Rothensee directly at the exit of the A2 motorway
MAGDEBURG 30.07.1965 The Industrial and Commercial Park Middle Elbe is located in the north of the state capital Magdeburg in Magdeburg industrial area - Rothensee directly at the exit of the A2 motorway

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Photo ID: 59790

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Photo: Manfred Uhlenhut
The Industrial and Commercial Park Middle Elbe is located in the north of the state capital Magdeburg in Magdeburg industrial area - Rothensee directly at the exit of the A2 motorway
MAGDEBURG 30.07.1965 The Industrial and Commercial Park Middle Elbe is located in the north of the state capital Magdeburg in Magdeburg industrial area - Rothensee directly at the exit of the A2 motorway

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Photo ID: 59791

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Photo: Manfred Uhlenhut
The Industrial and Commercial Park Middle Elbe is located in the north of the state capital Magdeburg in Magdeburg industrial area - Rothensee directly at the exit of the A2 motorway
MAGDEBURG 30.07.1965 The Industrial and Commercial Park Middle Elbe is located in the north of the state capital Magdeburg in Magdeburg industrial area - Rothensee directly at the exit of the A2 motorway

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Photo ID: 59792

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Photo: Manfred Uhlenhut
The Industrial and Commercial Park Middle Elbe is located in the north of the state capital Magdeburg in Magdeburg industrial area - Rothensee directly at the exit of the A2 motorway
EISENHüTTENSTADT 04.10.1963 Blick durch Stahlgerüst auf dem Gelände vom VEB Bandstahlkombinat "Hermann Matern" in Eisenhüttenstadt auf einen Silo.

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Photo ID: 19594

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Photo: Wolfgang Rasch
Blick durch Stahlgerüst auf dem Gelände vom VEB Bandstahlkombinat 'Hermann Matern' in Eisenhüttenstadt auf einen Silo.
EISENHüTTENSTADT 04.10.1963 Arbeiter vom VEB Bandstahlkombinat "Hermann Matern" stehen mit Besuchern / Interessierten an Silo zusammen.

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Photo ID: 19591

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Photo: Wolfgang Rasch
Arbeiter vom VEB Bandstahlkombinat 'Hermann Matern' stehen mit Besuchern / Interessierten an Silo zusammen.
LüTZKENDORF 24.10.1962 Arbeiter auf Baustelle beim Bau von Silos / Speichern / Silo an der Raffinerie VEB Mineralölwerk Lützkendorf. Kräne im Hintergrund.

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Photo ID: 19465

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Photo: Wolfgang Rasch
Arbeiter auf Baustelle beim Bau von Silos / Speichern / Silo an der Raffinerie VEB Mineralölwerk Lützkendorf. Kräne im Hintergrund.
FIENSTEDT 01.09.1953 Agricultural work on a farm and agricultural business with a group of farmers with dung forks - silo forks in Fienstedt, Saxony-Anhalt on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 70778

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Photo: Sammlung Berliner Verlag
Agricultural work on a farm and agricultural business with a group of farmers with dung forks - silo forks in Fienstedt, Saxony-Anhalt on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
FIENSTEDT 01.09.1953 Agricultural work on a farm and agricultural business with a group of farmers with dung forks - silo forks in Fienstedt, Saxony-Anhalt on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 70779

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Photo: Sammlung Berliner Verlag
Agricultural work on a farm and agricultural business with a group of farmers with dung forks - silo forks in Fienstedt, Saxony-Anhalt on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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