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BERLIN 19.09.2022 A passport of the German Democratic Republic and a seal of the Ministry of the Interior (MDI) from the GDR

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Photo ID: 69221

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Photo: Robert Grahn
A passport of the German Democratic Republic and a seal of the Ministry of the Interior (MDI) from the GDR
BERLIN 09.05.2008 Zeichnung von Herbert Sandberg "Wen schiessen wir zum Mond?" aus dem Jahr 1961, 52,5x37,5cm Feder und Pinsel, handsigniert. Entland der Linie von oben links nach oben rechts: eine Figur in einer Raumkapsel mit Blume in der Hand ("den Schwerelosesten?"), eine dicke Figur grinst ("den Konfliktlosesten?"), aus einer Rakete schaut ein Gesicht ("den Geschwätzigsten?"), eine Figur mir Zigarette und Antenne auf dem Kopf hält in jeder Hand ein Fernrohr und schaut nach West und Ost ("den Standpunktlosesten?"), um eine Person mit gespitzten Ohren reden Ministerium, Kritik, Leser, Verband, Kollege und Gattin auf ihn ein ("den Hellhörigsten?"), zwei Köpfe ragen je aus einer Wolke und blasen in die Richtung eines Mannes mit rotem Mantel ("den Windigsten?"), eine Figur sitzt am Schreibtisch und schreibt unter einer Glasglocke ("den Unabhängigsten?"), in einer Kugel raucht eine Person Pfeife und guckt hinter einem großen Stapel Bücher hervor ("den Gewichtigsten?"), ein Mann eilt auf einem Pferd mit Fernseher und hält eine Zeitung in der Hand, um ihn herum fliegt ein Buch und ein Telegramm ("den Fixesten?"); dazwischen: Sterne und Wolken.

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Photo ID: 50162

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Photo: Prof. Herbert Sandberg
Zeichnung von Herbert Sandberg 'Wen schiessen wir zum Mond?' aus dem Jahr 1961, 52,5x37,5cm Feder und Pinsel, handsigniert. Entland der Linie von oben links nach oben rechts: eine Figur in einer Raumkapsel mit Blume in der Hand ('den Schwerelosesten?'), eine dicke Figur grinst ('den Konfliktlosesten?'), aus einer Rakete schaut ein Gesicht ('den Geschwätzigsten?'), eine Figur mir Zigarette und Antenne auf dem Kopf hält in jeder Hand ein Fernrohr und schaut nach West und Ost ('den Standpunktlosesten?'), um eine Person mit gespitzten Ohren reden Ministerium, Kritik, Leser, Verband, Kollege und Gattin auf ihn ein ('den Hellhörigsten?'), zwei Köpfe ragen je aus einer Wolke und blasen in die Richtung eines Mannes mit rotem Mantel ('den Windigsten?'), eine Figur sitzt am Schreibtisch und schreibt unter einer Glasglocke ('den Unabhängigsten?'), in einer Kugel raucht eine Person Pfeife und guckt hinter einem großen Stapel Bücher hervor ('den Gewichtigsten?'), ein Mann eilt auf einem Pferd mit Fernseher und hält eine Zeitung in der Hand, um ihn herum fliegt ein Buch und ein Telegramm ('den Fixesten?'); dazwischen: Sterne und Wolken.
KASSEL 21.05.2007 Kassel 21. 05. 197

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Photo ID: 48837

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Photo: Dr. Gerhard Murza
Kassel 21. 05. 197
KASSEL 21.05.2007 Gegenbesuch des Vorsitzenden des Ministerrates der DDR Willi Stoph in Kassel (BRD). Ein dichtes Spalier aus Schaulustigen und Demonstranten empfängt die Staatsoberhäupter auf der Wilhelmshöher Allee. Die Stimmung ist kontrovers und aufgeheizt.

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Photo ID: 48830

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Photo: Dr. Gerhard Murza
Gegenbesuch des Vorsitzenden des Ministerrates der DDR Willi Stoph in Kassel (BRD). Ein dichtes Spalier aus Schaulustigen und Demonstranten empfängt die Staatsoberhäupter auf der Wilhelmshöher Allee. Die Stimmung ist kontrovers und aufgeheizt.
KASSEL 21.05.2007 Kassel 21. 05. 1970 Staatsbesuch des Vorsitzenden des Ministerrates und stellvertretender Kassel 21.05.197

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Photo ID: 48845

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Photo: Dr. Gerhard Murza
Kassel 21. 05. 1970 Staatsbesuch des Vorsitzenden des Ministerrates und stellvertretender Kassel 21.05.197
NUTHETAL 27.10.1997 The first Prime Minister of Brandenburg Manfred Stolpe in Nuthetal in Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 62270

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Photo: Manfred Uhlenhut
The first Prime Minister of Brandenburg Manfred Stolpe in Nuthetal in Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
NUTHETAL 27.10.1997 The first Prime Minister of Brandenburg Manfred Stolpe in Nuthetal in Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 62271

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Photo: Manfred Uhlenhut
The first Prime Minister of Brandenburg Manfred Stolpe in Nuthetal in Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
NUTHETAL 27.10.1997 The first Prime Minister of Brandenburg Manfred Stolpe in Nuthetal in Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 62272

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Photo: Manfred Uhlenhut
The first Prime Minister of Brandenburg Manfred Stolpe in Nuthetal in Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
NUTHETAL 27.10.1997 The first Prime Minister of Brandenburg Manfred Stolpe in Nuthetal in Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 62273

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Photo: Manfred Uhlenhut
The first Prime Minister of Brandenburg Manfred Stolpe in Nuthetal in Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
NUTHETAL 27.10.1997 The first Prime Minister of Brandenburg Manfred Stolpe in Nuthetal in Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 62274

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Photo: Manfred Uhlenhut
The first Prime Minister of Brandenburg Manfred Stolpe in Nuthetal in Brandenburg on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN - MITTE 19.08.1994 Overview of the Street of June 17 in the direction of East Berlin. In the foreground the park of Tiergarten. Center the Brandenburg Gate and the 17th June Street, behind the Palace of the Republic and the Red Town Hall. Links of the Berliner Dom. Law, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs behind the dome of Ministers of the GDR and the two spiers of St. Nicholas Church

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Photo ID: 59241

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Photo: Manfred Uhlenhut
Overview of the Street of June 17 in the direction of East Berlin. In the foreground the park of Tiergarten. Center the Brandenburg Gate and the 17th June Street, behind the Palace of the Republic and the Red Town Hall. Links of the Berliner Dom. Law, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs behind the dome of Ministers of the GDR and the two spiers of St. Nicholas Church
BERLIN 03.05.1993 Portrait of retired Colonel General Markus Johannes " Mischa " Wolf - former German head of the foreign intelligence service " Main Directorate for Reconnaissance " of the MfS Ministry for State Security in the Mitte district of Berlin East Berlin in the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 22134

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Portrait of retired Colonel General Markus Johannes ' Mischa ' Wolf - former German head of the foreign intelligence service ' Main Directorate for Reconnaissance ' of the MfS Ministry for State Security in the Mitte district of Berlin East Berlin in the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 03.05.1993 Portrait of retired Colonel General Markus Johannes " Mischa " Wolf - former German head of the foreign intelligence service " Main Directorate for Reconnaissance " of the MfS Ministry for State Security in the Mitte district of Berlin East Berlin in the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 22135

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Portrait of retired Colonel General Markus Johannes ' Mischa ' Wolf - former German head of the foreign intelligence service ' Main Directorate for Reconnaissance ' of the MfS Ministry for State Security in the Mitte district of Berlin East Berlin in the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 03.05.1993 Portrait of retired Colonel General Markus Johannes " Mischa " Wolf - former German head of the foreign intelligence service " Main Directorate for Reconnaissance " of the MfS Ministry for State Security in the Mitte district of Berlin East Berlin in the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 22133

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Portrait of retired Colonel General Markus Johannes ' Mischa ' Wolf - former German head of the foreign intelligence service ' Main Directorate for Reconnaissance ' of the MfS Ministry for State Security in the Mitte district of Berlin East Berlin in the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 03.05.1993 Portrait of retired Colonel General Markus Johannes " Mischa " Wolf - former German head of the foreign intelligence service " Main Directorate for Reconnaissance " of the MfS Ministry for State Security in the Mitte district of Berlin East Berlin in the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 22132

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Portrait of retired Colonel General Markus Johannes ' Mischa ' Wolf - former German head of the foreign intelligence service ' Main Directorate for Reconnaissance ' of the MfS Ministry for State Security in the Mitte district of Berlin East Berlin in the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 03.05.1993 Portrait of retired Colonel General Markus Johannes, Mischa "Wolf" - former German head of the foreign intelligence service "Main Directorate for Reconnaissance" of the MfS Ministry for State Security (centre) in an interview with ND editor Rene Heilig (left) in his apartment in the Nikolaiviertel in the Mitte district of Berlin, East Berlin on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 22131

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Photo: Burkhard Lange
Portrait of retired Colonel General Markus Johannes, Mischa 'Wolf' - former German head of the foreign intelligence service 'Main Directorate for Reconnaissance' of the MfS Ministry for State Security (centre) in an interview with ND editor Rene Heilig (left) in his apartment in the Nikolaiviertel in the Mitte district of Berlin, East Berlin on the territory of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN / MITTE 18.06.1992 18.

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Photo ID: 25155

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BERLIN / MITTE 18.06.1992 18.

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Photo ID: 25156

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BERLIN / MITTE 18.06.1992 18.

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Photo ID: 25157

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SCHIERKE 20.05.1992 Radarkuppel / Radarkuppeln / Radom / Radome auf dem Brocken. Teile der zwischen 1983-1986 errichteten Abhöranlage / Abhörzentrale des Ministerium für Staatssicherheit / Rote Armee / Sowjetarmee / Projekt Urian.

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Photo ID: 49023

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Radarkuppel / Radarkuppeln / Radom / Radome auf dem Brocken. Teile der zwischen 1983-1986 errichteten Abhöranlage / Abhörzentrale des Ministerium für Staatssicherheit / Rote Armee / Sowjetarmee / Projekt Urian.
SCHIERKE 20.05.1992 Radarkuppel / Radarkuppeln / Radom / Radome auf dem Brocken. Teile der zwischen 1983-1986 errichteten Abhöranlage / Abhörzentrale des Ministerium für Staatssicherheit / Rote Armee / Sowjetarmee / Projekt Urian.

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Photo ID: 49024

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Radarkuppel / Radarkuppeln / Radom / Radome auf dem Brocken. Teile der zwischen 1983-1986 errichteten Abhöranlage / Abhörzentrale des Ministerium für Staatssicherheit / Rote Armee / Sowjetarmee / Projekt Urian.
SCHIERKE 20.05.1992 Blick vom neuen Fernsehturm auf dem Brocken. Monteure / Arbeiter bei Reparaturen am Sendemast. Am rechten oberen Bildrand: Radarkuppel / Radom der Abhöranlage des Ministeriums für Staatssicherheit / Projekt Gurian;

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Photo ID: 49032

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Blick vom neuen Fernsehturm auf dem Brocken. Monteure / Arbeiter bei Reparaturen am Sendemast. Am rechten oberen Bildrand: Radarkuppel / Radom der Abhöranlage des Ministeriums für Staatssicherheit / Projekt Gurian;
SCHIERKE 20.05.1992 Radarkuppeln / Radome auf dem Brocken. Teile der zwischen 1983-1986 errichteten Abhöranlage / Abhörzentrale des Ministerium für Staatssicherheit und der Roten Armee. Projekt Urian / Jenissej.

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Photo ID: 49034

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Radarkuppeln / Radome auf dem Brocken. Teile der zwischen 1983-1986 errichteten Abhöranlage / Abhörzentrale des Ministerium für Staatssicherheit und der Roten Armee. Projekt Urian / Jenissej.
SCHIERKE 20.05.1992 Radarkuppeln / Radome auf dem Brocken. Teile der zwischen 1983-1986 errichteten Abhöranlage / Abhörzentrale des Ministerium für Staatssicherheit und der Roten Armee. Projekt Urian / Jenissej.

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Photo ID: 49035

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Radarkuppeln / Radome auf dem Brocken. Teile der zwischen 1983-1986 errichteten Abhöranlage / Abhörzentrale des Ministerium für Staatssicherheit und der Roten Armee. Projekt Urian / Jenissej.
SCHIERKE 20.05.1992 Radarkuppeln / Radome auf dem Brocken. Teile der zwischen 1983-1986 errichteten Abhöranlage / Abhörzentrale des Ministerium für Staatssicherheit / Roten Armee. Projektname Urian / Jenissej.

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Photo ID: 49082

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Radarkuppeln /  Radome auf dem Brocken. Teile der zwischen 1983-1986 errichteten Abhöranlage / Abhörzentrale des Ministerium für Staatssicherheit / Roten Armee. Projektname Urian / Jenissej.
SCHIERKE 20.05.1992 Radarkuppel / Radom auf dem Brocken. Teile der zwischen 1983-1986 errichteten Abhöranlage / Abhörzentrale des Ministerium für Staatssicherheit und der Sowjetarmee / Rote Armee. Projekt Urian / Jenissej. Links neben der Kuppel: russischer LKW Typ Ural 375D.

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Photo ID: 49083

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Radarkuppel / Radom auf dem Brocken. Teile der zwischen 1983-1986 errichteten Abhöranlage / Abhörzentrale des Ministerium für Staatssicherheit  und der Sowjetarmee / Rote Armee.  Projekt Urian / Jenissej. Links neben der Kuppel: russischer LKW Typ Ural 375D.
BROCKEN 20.05.1992 Eingerüsteter Sendemast auf dem Brocken. Monteure / Arbeiter bei Gerüstarbeiten. Links unten: Radarkuppel / Radom der ehem. Abhöranlage / Abhörzentrale des Ministerium für Staatssicherheit.

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Photo ID: 49260

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Eingerüsteter Sendemast auf dem Brocken. Monteure / Arbeiter bei Gerüstarbeiten. Links unten: Radarkuppel / Radom der ehem. Abhöranlage / Abhörzentrale des Ministerium für Staatssicherheit.
BERLIN 01.10.1990 Colored: Dismantling of the GDR symbol, consisting of a hammer and compass, from the facade of the Berliner Stadthaus (Former Council of Ministers of the GDR) in Berlin-Mitte, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 55030

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Colored: Dismantling of the GDR symbol, consisting of a hammer and compass, from the facade of the Berliner Stadthaus (Former Council of Ministers of the GDR) in Berlin-Mitte, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 01.10.1990 Dismantling of the GDR symbol, consisting of a hammer and compass, from the facade of the Berliner Stadthaus (Former Council of Ministers of the GDR) in Berlin-Mitte, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 20639

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Dismantling of the GDR symbol, consisting of a hammer and compass, from the facade of the Berliner Stadthaus (Former Council of Ministers of the GDR) in Berlin-Mitte, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 01.10.1990 Dismantling of the GDR symbol, consisting of a hammer and compass, from the facade of the Berliner Stadthaus (Former Council of Ministers of the GDR) in Berlin-Mitte, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 26170

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Dismantling of the GDR symbol, consisting of a hammer and compass, from the facade of the Berliner Stadthaus (Former Council of Ministers of the GDR) in Berlin-Mitte, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 01.10.1990 Dismantling of the GDR symbol, consisting of a hammer and compass, from the facade of the Berliner Stadthaus (Former Council of Ministers of the GDR) in Berlin-Mitte, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 26171

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Dismantling of the GDR symbol, consisting of a hammer and compass, from the facade of the Berliner Stadthaus (Former Council of Ministers of the GDR) in Berlin-Mitte, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 01.10.1990 Dismantling of the GDR symbol, consisting of a hammer and compass, from the facade of the Berliner Stadthaus (Former Council of Ministers of the GDR) in Berlin-Mitte, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 26172

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Dismantling of the GDR symbol, consisting of a hammer and compass, from the facade of the Berliner Stadthaus (Former Council of Ministers of the GDR) in Berlin-Mitte, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 01.10.1990 Dismantling of the GDR symbol, consisting of a hammer and compass, from the facade of the Berliner Stadthaus (Former Council of Ministers of the GDR) in Berlin-Mitte, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 26173

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Dismantling of the GDR symbol, consisting of a hammer and compass, from the facade of the Berliner Stadthaus (Former Council of Ministers of the GDR) in Berlin-Mitte, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 01.10.1990 Dismantling of the GDR symbol, consisting of a hammer and compass, from the facade of the Berliner Stadthaus (Former Council of Ministers of the GDR) in Berlin-Mitte, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 26174

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Dismantling of the GDR symbol, consisting of a hammer and compass, from the facade of the Berliner Stadthaus (Former Council of Ministers of the GDR) in Berlin-Mitte, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 01.10.1990 Dismantling of the GDR symbol, consisting of a hammer and compass, from the facade of the Berliner Stadthaus (Former Council of Ministers of the GDR) in Berlin-Mitte, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 26175

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Dismantling of the GDR symbol, consisting of a hammer and compass, from the facade of the Berliner Stadthaus (Former Council of Ministers of the GDR) in Berlin-Mitte, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 01.10.1990 Dismantling of the GDR symbol, consisting of a hammer and compass, from the facade of the Berliner Stadthaus (Former Council of Ministers of the GDR) in Berlin-Mitte, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 26176

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Dismantling of the GDR symbol, consisting of a hammer and compass, from the facade of the Berliner Stadthaus (Former Council of Ministers of the GDR) in Berlin-Mitte, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 01.10.1990 Dismantling of the GDR symbol, consisting of a hammer and compass, from the facade of the Berliner Stadthaus (Former Council of Ministers of the GDR) in Berlin-Mitte, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 26177

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Dismantling of the GDR symbol, consisting of a hammer and compass, from the facade of the Berliner Stadthaus (Former Council of Ministers of the GDR) in Berlin-Mitte, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 01.10.1990 Dismantling of the GDR symbol, consisting of a hammer and compass, from the facade of the Berliner Stadthaus (Former Council of Ministers of the GDR) in Berlin-Mitte, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 65496

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Dismantling of the GDR symbol, consisting of a hammer and compass, from the facade of the Berliner Stadthaus (Former Council of Ministers of the GDR) in Berlin-Mitte, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 01.10.1990 Dismantling of the GDR symbol, consisting of a hammer and compass, from the facade of the Berliner Stadthaus (Former Council of Ministers of the GDR) in Berlin-Mitte, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 65497

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Dismantling of the GDR symbol, consisting of a hammer and compass, from the facade of the Berliner Stadthaus (Former Council of Ministers of the GDR) in Berlin-Mitte, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 01.10.1990 Dismantling of the GDR symbol, consisting of a hammer and compass, from the facade of the Berliner Stadthaus (Former Council of Ministers of the GDR) in Berlin-Mitte, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 65498

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Dismantling of the GDR symbol, consisting of a hammer and compass, from the facade of the Berliner Stadthaus (Former Council of Ministers of the GDR) in Berlin-Mitte, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 01.10.1990 Dismantling of the GDR symbol, consisting of a hammer and compass, from the facade of the Berliner Stadthaus (Former Council of Ministers of the GDR) in Berlin-Mitte, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 65499

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Dismantling of the GDR symbol, consisting of a hammer and compass, from the facade of the Berliner Stadthaus (Former Council of Ministers of the GDR) in Berlin-Mitte, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 01.10.1990 Dismantling of the GDR symbol, consisting of a hammer and compass, from the facade of the Berliner Stadthaus (Former Council of Ministers of the GDR) in Berlin-Mitte, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 65500

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Dismantling of the GDR symbol, consisting of a hammer and compass, from the facade of the Berliner Stadthaus (Former Council of Ministers of the GDR) in Berlin-Mitte, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 22.09.1990 Indefinite occupation of the archive of the former Stasi Stasi by representatives of the State Committee for dissolution of the State Security NEW FORUM and the Environmental Library in Berlin, in Berlin, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 62286

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Photo: Manfred Uhlenhut
Indefinite occupation of the archive of the former Stasi Stasi by representatives of the State Committee for dissolution of the State Security NEW FORUM and the Environmental Library in Berlin, in Berlin, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 22.09.1990 Indefinite occupation of the archive of the former Stasi Stasi by representatives of the State Committee for dissolution of the State Security NEW FORUM and the Environmental Library in Berlin, in Berlin, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 62287

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Photo: Manfred Uhlenhut
Indefinite occupation of the archive of the former Stasi Stasi by representatives of the State Committee for dissolution of the State Security NEW FORUM and the Environmental Library in Berlin, in Berlin, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 22.09.1990 Indefinite occupation of the archive of the former Stasi Stasi by representatives of the State Committee for dissolution of the State Security NEW FORUM and the Environmental Library in Berlin, in Berlin, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 62289

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Photo: Manfred Uhlenhut
Indefinite occupation of the archive of the former Stasi Stasi by representatives of the State Committee for dissolution of the State Security NEW FORUM and the Environmental Library in Berlin, in Berlin, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 22.09.1990 Indefinite occupation of the archive of the former Stasi Stasi by representatives of the State Committee for dissolution of the State Security NEW FORUM and the Environmental Library in Berlin, in Berlin, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 62290

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Photo: Manfred Uhlenhut
Indefinite occupation of the archive of the former Stasi Stasi by representatives of the State Committee for dissolution of the State Security NEW FORUM and the Environmental Library in Berlin, in Berlin, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic
BERLIN 22.09.1990 Indefinite occupation of the archive of the former Stasi Stasi by representatives of the State Committee for dissolution of the State Security NEW FORUM and the Environmental Library in Berlin, in Berlin, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 62288

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Photo: Manfred Uhlenhut
Indefinite occupation of the archive of the former Stasi Stasi by representatives of the State Committee for dissolution of the State Security NEW FORUM and the Environmental Library in Berlin, in Berlin, the former capital of the GDR, German Democratic Republic
MOSKVA - MOSKAU 12.09.1990 Prime Minister Lothar de Maizière as a signing politician at the Two-Plus-Four Treaty as a state treaty between the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic on the one hand and France, the Soviet Union, Great Britain and the United States of America in Moskva - Moscow in Russia

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Photo ID: 72196

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Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Prime Minister Lothar de Maizière as a signing politician at the Two-Plus-Four Treaty as a state treaty between the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic on the one hand and France, the Soviet Union, Great Britain and the United States of America in Moskva - Moscow in Russia
MOSKVA - MOSKAU 12.09.1990 Prime Minister Lothar de Maizière as a signing politician at the Two-Plus-Four Treaty as a state treaty between the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic on the one hand and France, the Soviet Union, Great Britain and the United States of America in Moskva - Moscow in Russia

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Photo ID: 72197

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Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Prime Minister Lothar de Maizière as a signing politician at the Two-Plus-Four Treaty as a state treaty between the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic on the one hand and France, the Soviet Union, Great Britain and the United States of America in Moskva - Moscow in Russia
SCHöNEFELD 12.09.1990 Portrait shot of the last Prime Minister Lothar de Maizière on board an Airbus A32

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Photo ID: 72884

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Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Portrait shot of the last Prime Minister Lothar de Maizière on board an Airbus A32

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