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SCHIERKE 20.05.1992 Der neuere von zwei Fernsehtürmen auf dem Brocken wird derzeit vollständig eingerüstet. Alle Sendefunktionen des 8

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Photo ID: 49021

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Der neuere von zwei Fernsehtürmen auf dem Brocken wird derzeit vollständig eingerüstet. Alle Sendefunktionen des 8
SCHIERKE 20.05.1992 Der neuere von zwei Fernsehtürmen auf dem Brocken wird derzeit vollständig eingerüstet. Alle Sendefunktionen des 8

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Photo ID: 49033

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Der neuere von zwei Fernsehtürmen auf dem Brocken wird derzeit vollständig eingerüstet. Alle Sendefunktionen des 8
SCHIERKE 20.05.1992 Zu sehen ist der Alte Fernsehturm, der Touristen heute eine Herberge, sowie eine Aussichtsplattform bietet. Dahinter steht der neue Sendemast. Links im Bild befindet sich das Brockenhaus mit einem Museum (damals "Stasi-Moschee" genannt).

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Photo ID: 49022

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Zu sehen ist der Alte Fernsehturm, der Touristen heute eine Herberge, sowie eine Aussichtsplattform bietet. Dahinter steht der neue Sendemast. Links im Bild befindet sich das   Brockenhaus mit einem Museum (damals 'Stasi-Moschee' genannt).
SCHIERKE 20.05.1992 Radarkuppel / Radarkuppeln / Radom / Radome auf dem Brocken. Teile der zwischen 1983-1986 errichteten Abhöranlage / Abhörzentrale des Ministerium für Staatssicherheit / Rote Armee / Sowjetarmee / Projekt Urian.

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Photo ID: 49023

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Radarkuppel / Radarkuppeln / Radom / Radome auf dem Brocken. Teile der zwischen 1983-1986 errichteten Abhöranlage / Abhörzentrale des Ministerium für Staatssicherheit / Rote Armee / Sowjetarmee / Projekt Urian.
SCHIERKE 20.05.1992 Radarkuppel / Radarkuppeln / Radom / Radome auf dem Brocken. Teile der zwischen 1983-1986 errichteten Abhöranlage / Abhörzentrale des Ministerium für Staatssicherheit / Rote Armee / Sowjetarmee / Projekt Urian.

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Photo ID: 49024

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Radarkuppel / Radarkuppeln / Radom / Radome auf dem Brocken. Teile der zwischen 1983-1986 errichteten Abhöranlage / Abhörzentrale des Ministerium für Staatssicherheit / Rote Armee / Sowjetarmee / Projekt Urian.
SCHIERKE 20.05.1992 Blick auf den Alten Fernsehturm am Brocken. Heute sind in diesem Gebäude die Brockenherberge / das Brockenhotel untergebracht. Kontakt: Brockenwirt & Sohn GmbH & Co KG, Hans u. Daniel Steinhoff, Brockenplateau, D - 38879 Schierke Tel: 039455120, Fax: 039455 1210

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Photo ID: 49025

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Robert Grahn
Blick auf den Alten Fernsehturm am Brocken. Heute sind in diesem Gebäude die Brockenherberge / das Brockenhotel untergebracht. Kontakt:  Brockenwirt & Sohn GmbH & Co KG, Hans u. Daniel Steinhoff, Brockenplateau, D - 38879 Schierke Tel: 039455120, Fax: 039455 1210
SCHIERKE 20.05.1992 Einrüstung vom Sendemast / Sendeturm / Antennemast / Stahlrohrturm auf dem Brocken zur Rekonstruktion / Sanierung. Monteure / Arbeiter bei Arbeiten am Gerüst. Im Hintergrund: Alter Fernsehturm heute Brockenherberge / Brockenhotel. Kontakt: Brockenwirt & Sohn GmbH & Co KG, Hans u. Daniel Steinhoff, Brockenplateau, D - 38879 Schierke Tel: 039455120 Fax: 039455 1210

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Photo ID: 49026

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Robert Grahn
Einrüstung vom Sendemast / Sendeturm / Antennemast / Stahlrohrturm auf dem Brocken zur Rekonstruktion / Sanierung.  Monteure / Arbeiter bei Arbeiten am Gerüst. Im Hintergrund: Alter Fernsehturm heute Brockenherberge / Brockenhotel. Kontakt:  Brockenwirt & Sohn GmbH & Co KG, Hans u. Daniel Steinhoff, Brockenplateau, D - 38879 Schierke Tel: 039455120 Fax: 039455 1210
SCHIERKE 20.05.1992 Blick auf den Alten Fernsehturm am Brocken. Heute sind in diesem Gebäude die Brockenherberge / das Brockenhotel untergebracht. Kontakt: Brockenwirt & Sohn GmbH & Co KG, Hans u. Daniel Steinhoff, Brockenplateau, D - 38879 Schierke Tel: 039455120, Fax: 039455 1210

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Photo ID: 49027

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Robert Grahn
Blick auf den Alten Fernsehturm am Brocken. Heute sind in diesem Gebäude die Brockenherberge / das Brockenhotel untergebracht. Kontakt:  Brockenwirt & Sohn GmbH & Co KG, Hans u. Daniel Steinhoff, Brockenplateau, D - 38879 Schierke Tel: 039455120, Fax: 039455 1210
SCHIERKE 20.05.1992 Blick auf den Alten Fernsehturm am Brocken. Heute sind in diesem Gebäude die Brockenherberge / das Brockenhotel untergebracht. Kontakt: Brockenwirt & Sohn GmbH & Co KG, Hans u. Daniel Steinhoff, Brockenplateau, D - 38879 Schierke Tel: 039455120, Fax: 039455 1210

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Photo ID: 49036

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Robert Grahn
Blick auf den Alten Fernsehturm am Brocken. Heute sind in diesem Gebäude die Brockenherberge / das Brockenhotel untergebracht. Kontakt:  Brockenwirt & Sohn GmbH & Co KG, Hans u. Daniel Steinhoff, Brockenplateau, D - 38879 Schierke Tel: 039455120, Fax: 039455 1210
SCHIERKE 20.05.1992 Blick auf den Alten Fernsehturm am Brocken. Heute sind in diesem Gebäude die Brockenherberge / das Brockenhotel untergebracht. Kontakt: Brockenwirt & Sohn GmbH & Co KG, Hans u. Daniel Steinhoff, Brockenplateau, D - 38879 Schierke Tel: 039455120, Fax: 039455 1210

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Photo ID: 49037

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Robert Grahn
Blick auf den Alten Fernsehturm am Brocken. Heute sind in diesem Gebäude die Brockenherberge / das Brockenhotel untergebracht. Kontakt:  Brockenwirt & Sohn GmbH & Co KG, Hans u. Daniel Steinhoff, Brockenplateau, D - 38879 Schierke Tel: 039455120, Fax: 039455 1210
SCHIERKE 20.05.1992 Eingerüsteter Sendemast / neuer Fernsehturm auf dem Brocken. Der 1973 gebaute Turm hat eine Höhe von 123m. Ende der Rekonstruktion war 1993.

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Photo ID: 49028

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Robert Grahn
Eingerüsteter Sendemast / neuer Fernsehturm auf dem Brocken. Der 1973 gebaute Turm hat eine Höhe von 123m. Ende der Rekonstruktion war 1993.
SCHIERKE 20.05.1992 Eingerüsteter Sendemast / neuer Fernsehturm auf dem Brocken. Der 1973 gebaute Turm hat eine Höhe von 123m. Ende der Rekonstruktion war 1993.

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Photo ID: 49030

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Robert Grahn
Eingerüsteter Sendemast / neuer Fernsehturm auf dem Brocken. Der 1973 gebaute Turm hat eine Höhe von 123m. Ende der Rekonstruktion war 1993.
SCHIERKE 20.05.1992 Einrüstung vom Sendemast / Sendeturm / Antennemast / Stahlrohrturm auf dem Brocken zur Rekonstruktion / Sanierung. Monteure / Arbeiter bei Arbeiten am Gerüst. Im Hintergrund: Alter Fernsehturm heute Brockenherberge / Brockenhotel. Kontakt: Brockenwirt & Sohn GmbH & Co KG, Hans u. Daniel Steinhoff Brockenplateau, D - 38879 Schierke Tel: 039455120 Fax: 039455 1210

Description has been copied

Photo ID: 49029

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Robert Grahn
Einrüstung vom Sendemast / Sendeturm / Antennemast / Stahlrohrturm auf dem Brocken zur Rekonstruktion / Sanierung.  Monteure / Arbeiter bei Arbeiten am Gerüst. Im Hintergrund: Alter Fernsehturm heute Brockenherberge / Brockenhotel. Kontakt:  Brockenwirt & Sohn GmbH & Co KG, Hans u. Daniel Steinhoff
Brockenplateau, D - 38879 Schierke Tel: 039455120 Fax: 039455 1210
SCHIERKE 20.05.1992 Blick vom neuen Fernsehturm auf dem Brocken. Monteure / Arbeiter bei Reparaturen am Sendemast. Am rechten oberen Bildrand: Radarkuppel / Radom der Abhöranlage des Ministeriums für Staatssicherheit / Projekt Gurian;

Description has been copied

Photo ID: 49032

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Robert Grahn
Blick vom neuen Fernsehturm auf dem Brocken. Monteure / Arbeiter bei Reparaturen am Sendemast. Am rechten oberen Bildrand: Radarkuppel / Radom der Abhöranlage des Ministeriums für Staatssicherheit / Projekt Gurian;
SCHIERKE 20.05.1992 Radarkuppeln / Radome auf dem Brocken. Teile der zwischen 1983-1986 errichteten Abhöranlage / Abhörzentrale des Ministerium für Staatssicherheit und der Roten Armee. Projekt Urian / Jenissej.

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Photo ID: 49034

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Robert Grahn
Radarkuppeln / Radome auf dem Brocken. Teile der zwischen 1983-1986 errichteten Abhöranlage / Abhörzentrale des Ministerium für Staatssicherheit und der Roten Armee. Projekt Urian / Jenissej.
SCHIERKE 20.05.1992 Radarkuppeln / Radome auf dem Brocken. Teile der zwischen 1983-1986 errichteten Abhöranlage / Abhörzentrale des Ministerium für Staatssicherheit und der Roten Armee. Projekt Urian / Jenissej.

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Photo ID: 49035

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Robert Grahn
Radarkuppeln / Radome auf dem Brocken. Teile der zwischen 1983-1986 errichteten Abhöranlage / Abhörzentrale des Ministerium für Staatssicherheit und der Roten Armee. Projekt Urian / Jenissej.
SCHIERKE 20.05.1992 Eingerüsteter Sendemast / Fernsehturm auf dem Brocken. Monteure / Arbeiter bei Arbeiten am Gerüst. Im Hintergrund der alte Fernsehturm heute Brockenherberge / Brockenhotel. Kontakt: Brockenwirt & Sohn GmbH & Co KG, Hans u. Daniel Steinhoff, Brockenplateau, D - 38879 Schierke Tel: 039455120, Fax: 039455 1210

Description has been copied

Photo ID: 49038

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Robert Grahn
Eingerüsteter Sendemast / Fernsehturm auf dem Brocken.  Monteure / Arbeiter bei Arbeiten am Gerüst. Im Hintergrund der alte Fernsehturm heute Brockenherberge / Brockenhotel. Kontakt:  Brockenwirt & Sohn GmbH & Co KG, Hans u. Daniel Steinhoff, Brockenplateau, D - 38879 Schierke Tel: 039455120, Fax: 039455 1210
SCHIERKE 20.05.1992 Eingerüsteter Sendemast / Fernsehturm auf dem Brocken. Der 1973 gebaute Turm hat eine Höhe von 123m. Ende der Rekonstruktion war 1993.

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Photo ID: 49042

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Robert Grahn
Eingerüsteter Sendemast / Fernsehturm auf dem Brocken. Der 1973 gebaute Turm hat eine Höhe von 123m. Ende der Rekonstruktion war 1993.
SCHIERKE 20.05.1992 Radarkuppeln / Radome auf dem Brocken. Teile der zwischen 1983-1986 errichteten Abhöranlage / Abhörzentrale des Ministerium für Staatssicherheit / Roten Armee. Projektname Urian / Jenissej.

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Photo ID: 49082

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Robert Grahn
Radarkuppeln /  Radome auf dem Brocken. Teile der zwischen 1983-1986 errichteten Abhöranlage / Abhörzentrale des Ministerium für Staatssicherheit / Roten Armee. Projektname Urian / Jenissej.
SCHIERKE 20.05.1992 Radarkuppel / Radom auf dem Brocken. Teile der zwischen 1983-1986 errichteten Abhöranlage / Abhörzentrale des Ministerium für Staatssicherheit und der Sowjetarmee / Rote Armee. Projekt Urian / Jenissej. Links neben der Kuppel: russischer LKW Typ Ural 375D.

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Photo ID: 49083

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Robert Grahn
Radarkuppel / Radom auf dem Brocken. Teile der zwischen 1983-1986 errichteten Abhöranlage / Abhörzentrale des Ministerium für Staatssicherheit  und der Sowjetarmee / Rote Armee.  Projekt Urian / Jenissej. Links neben der Kuppel: russischer LKW Typ Ural 375D.
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69885

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69886

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69887

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69888

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69889

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69890

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69891

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69892

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69893

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69894

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69895

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69896

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Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69897

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69898

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69899

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69900

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69944

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Dissolution and withdrawal work in the object of the military base of the listening post of the Red Army - GSSD (Group of Soviet Armed Forces in Germany) on the plateau of the Brocken summit in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Transmission and radio technology - military technology of the GSSD - Red Army on the summit of the Brocken Plateau during the first visit by civilians in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69901

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Transmission and radio technology - military technology of the GSSD - Red Army on the summit of the Brocken Plateau during the first visit by civilians in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Transmission and radio technology - military technology of the GSSD - Red Army on the summit of the Brocken Plateau during the first visit by civilians in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69902

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Transmission and radio technology - military technology of the GSSD - Red Army on the summit of the Brocken Plateau during the first visit by civilians in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Transmission and radio technology - military technology of the GSSD - Red Army on the summit of the Brocken Plateau during the first visit by civilians in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69903

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Transmission and radio technology - military technology of the GSSD - Red Army on the summit of the Brocken Plateau during the first visit by civilians in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Transmission and radio technology - military technology of the GSSD - Red Army on the summit of the Brocken Plateau during the first visit by civilians in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69904

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Transmission and radio technology - military technology of the GSSD - Red Army on the summit of the Brocken Plateau during the first visit by civilians in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Transmission and radio technology - military technology of the GSSD - Red Army on the summit of the Brocken Plateau during the first visit by civilians in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69905

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Transmission and radio technology - military technology of the GSSD - Red Army on the summit of the Brocken Plateau during the first visit by civilians in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Transmission and radio technology - military technology of the GSSD - Red Army on the summit of the Brocken Plateau during the first visit by civilians in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69906

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Transmission and radio technology - military technology of the GSSD - Red Army on the summit of the Brocken Plateau during the first visit by civilians in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Transmission and radio technology - military technology of the GSSD - Red Army on the summit of the Brocken Plateau during the first visit by civilians in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69907

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Transmission and radio technology - military technology of the GSSD - Red Army on the summit of the Brocken Plateau during the first visit by civilians in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Transmission and radio technology - military technology of the GSSD - Red Army on the summit of the Brocken Plateau during the first visit by civilians in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69908

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Transmission and radio technology - military technology of the GSSD - Red Army on the summit of the Brocken Plateau during the first visit by civilians in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Transmission and radio technology - military technology of the GSSD - Red Army on the summit of the Brocken Plateau during the first visit by civilians in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69909

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Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Transmission and radio technology - military technology of the GSSD - Red Army on the summit of the Brocken Plateau during the first visit by civilians in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Transmission and radio technology - military technology of the GSSD - Red Army on the summit of the Brocken Plateau during the first visit by civilians in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69910

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Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Transmission and radio technology - military technology of the GSSD - Red Army on the summit of the Brocken Plateau during the first visit by civilians in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Transmission and radio technology - military technology of the GSSD - Red Army on the summit of the Brocken Plateau during the first visit by civilians in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69911

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Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Transmission and radio technology - military technology of the GSSD - Red Army on the summit of the Brocken Plateau during the first visit by civilians in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Transmission and radio technology - military technology of the GSSD - Red Army on the summit of the Brocken Plateau during the first visit by civilians in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69912

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Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Transmission and radio technology - military technology of the GSSD - Red Army on the summit of the Brocken Plateau during the first visit by civilians in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic
SCHIERKE 10.09.1990 Transmission and radio technology - military technology of the GSSD - Red Army on the summit of the Brocken Plateau during the first visit by civilians in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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Photo ID: 69913

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Thomas Uhlemann
Transmission and radio technology - military technology of the GSSD - Red Army on the summit of the Brocken Plateau during the first visit by civilians in Schierke in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the area of the former GDR, German Democratic Republic

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